Shop and Club

Meeting the needs of bowhunters and target archers since 1983
Pour assistez les chasseurs à l’arc et les archers depuis 1983

Celebrating +40 years in business with:

  • Competitive prices
  • Knowledgeable sales and service
  • Staff with more than 70 years combined experience in the sport

South Nation Archery is a pro shop, specialising in archery ONLY; we are not a general sporting goods store. 

We offer a personalised in-store experience, the kind of knowledge and service you do not find at a box store.  We are here to help you shoot better and that can happen only with in-person service from people in the know.

South Nation Archery continues to train new and advanced archers.  We coach bowhunters as well as
recreational archers, local, provincial, state and national Champions,
World Regional Champions, World Champions and Paralympians.

Come join our classes, leagues, tournaments and events!


WEEKDAYS: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 1:00pm – 9:00pm (closed Tuesdays)

SATURDAYS:  09:00am – 4:00pm (closed Sundays)

FAMILY DAY:  Monday, February 17, 2025 CLOSED

We accept VISA, MasterCard, debit cards/Interact, e-transfers, cash and cheques.  We do not accept post-dated cheques.
We acknowledge that South Nation Archery is located on the traditional lands of the Kanien:keha’ka of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and recognizes the enduring presence of the First Peoples.
Roti’nikonhraien:tas ne South Nation Archery tsi kari:we’s shihatinakere ne kanien’keha:ka tanon Rotinonhsion:ni. Ratirihwaien:teri o:ni tsi kiotken ken:tho enhonne:sheke ne Onkwehon:weh.

Family Day 2025 Special Notice

The retail counter will be closed for Family Day on Monday, February 17, 2025.

The club will be open starting at 4pm to host the first night of the provincial 10-ring regional championships.  Official Practice starts at 5pm; scoring at 6pm.  Please see our Events page for other dates to shoot this WA-registered tournament.

2025 Provincial IFAA Indoor Championship results at SNAC

Today, we hosted the annual Ontario IFAA Regional Championships a week earlier than usual so our club members could compete at this event and shoot the Lancaster Shoot as well, if they wished.  We had a good turn-out with some outstanding scores in all divisions.

Congratulations to all archers.

Results have been forwarded to Archery Ontario for posting.  The link below provides results for those who shot at our site, including guests in the club tab of the Excel file.

Since this is a regional event spanning over a week every January, full results may not be available on the Archery Ontario website until January 26, the last day of the championship.  Please be patient.

Good shooting to all club members travelling to Pennsylvania for the Lancaster Archery event.

South Nation’s next sanctioned tournament will be the Provincial 10-ring Regional Championship to be held on four separate dates:  February 17, 19 and 20 (Practice at 5pm; Scoring at 6pm) and Sunday, February 23 (Practice at 9am; Scoring at 10am).  Space is still available on all 4 lines.

If you are interested in joining us, contact Kathleen Millar to hold your spot by writing to:

January 2025 WA18M Tournament Results

Thank you to participants, new and old, who joined us today to shoot our first registered indoor tournament of 2025.  It was a good preparatory event for those archers planning to shoot The Indoor World Series, the Lancaster Shoot, provincials and/or national championships later on this winter.

You can find the results with this link below from our website or the i@nseo results on Archery Canada’s website.

Our next event, the Ontario IFAA Regional Indoor Championship to be held on January 19 is booked fully.  There are spaces available for the Ontario 10-ring Regional Indoor Championship in February.  Please contact Kathleen Millar for details at

Class Cancellation Policy

SNAC’s class cancellation policy is available on the Policies page under “About Us”. This policy addresses SNAC’s protocol regarding cancelled classes due to inclement weather, anticipated poor weather conditions during class time, and coach illness.

SNAC recognizes the importance of regular classes, but puts the safety of athletes and those driving them to class first.

Please contact Kathy or Larry if you have any questions or concerns which are not addressed in this policy.

Beginner Classes Registration Policy

Beginner Classes Registration:

Part 1:

All registrants will be required to pre-pay session fees when they pre-register for beginner youth and/or adult classes.

IMPORTANT information to participants:

STUDENTS / PARENTS must pre-pay using our e-transfer information forwarded directly to your personal e-mail address supplied to us OR, with an active credit card number, expiry date and security code when registering for Friday night classes.

There will be no reminder telephone call. Please record the dates of your session and come to lesson #1 10-15 minutes early.

REFUND POLICY: There is no refund for classes. We endeavour to keep our class fees as low as possible so that families can afford to participate in the sport. Therefore, SOUTH NATION ARCHERY SUPPLY will not provide refunds for missed sessions and/or classes.

Part 2:

If you have signed up for multiple sessions, you are not required to pre-pay all sessions. SOUTH NATION ARCHERY SUPPLY realises that life changes and that pressing matters may arise which preclude your participation in the sessions you signed up for.

However, we must be advised in advance of your changed circumstances.

IMPORTANT information to participants:

In order to avoid credit card charges, returning STUDENTS / PARENTS must tell us they are cancelling all other pre-registrations NO LATER THAN the 6th week of Friday night classes in which they are currently registered.

There will be no reminder telephone call. Please record the dates of your session.

We regret to have to institute this policy. However, SOUTH NATION ARCHERY SUPPLY is dealing with more no-shows while turning away other interested students.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

2025 Parking Reminder for students & competitors

IMPORTANT message to class participants and league/tournament archers!

Please remember to park in our parking lot whenever possible.

DO NOT PARK on the south side of County Road 38.

If the parking lot is full, please park on the north side of the road only, and east of our lane way.

This notice is very important during the snow removal season; the OPP will have your car towed away if you are in the way of the snow-plough drivers.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Outdoor Lanes CLOSED for 2024

SNAC’s outdoor lanes are CLOSED until springtime 2025.  Notice of re-opening will be posted on our website.

In order to use our outdoor facilities, participants must have either taken lessons at South Nation Archery, or can demonstrate knowledge and application of all safety rules prior to accessing the facility.


1.  Permission is needed before you are allowed to start shooting.

2.  Lanes are available only during business hours.

3.  All participants must prove in-force personal liability coverage before shooting.

4.  NO ONE is to venture off the outdoor target range into the woods or off the SNAC property.  Anyone doing so will be asked to leave the facility.

5.  Normal archery-specific safety rules are in effect; anyone violating these standard safety rules (personal/group/equipment) will be asked to leave the facility.

User fee:  $10/person

SNAC Annual WA18M tournament results for 2024

We were pleased to host our first indoor tournament of the 2024-2025 season with our annual December WA18M event on December 15.  It was encouraging to see people trying out competitive archery for the first time, as well as welcoming back regular indoor competitors.

Congratulations to Larry E. Smith who shot a new (unofficial) 60+ national record in Men’s Compound Unlimited of 561.

Here are the results for everyone who shot:

Results are available also at:

Our next tournament will be held on Sunday, January 12, 2025.  It will be a WA18M.

Then, on Sunday, January 19, 2025, we will host the annual Ontario provincial IFAA round championship.

Space is limited, so if you wish to pre-register, contact Kathleen Millar at:

Lanes fees going up effective January 01, 2025

For the first time in 35 years, South Nation Archery will be increasing its flat rate for using the indoor and outdoor target facilities.

Effective January 01, 2025, the range fee will be $10/person.

Unlike other shops, South Nation Archery does not charge you by-the-hour to use the lanes during normal business hours.  This flat fee is applicable to encourage archers to shoot quality arrows, and not to rush and learn bad habits.

Open practice / use of the lanes is not available when classes are in session.  Please call ahead to check if you will be able to shoot.

Thank you.

2024-2025 Indoor Competition Schedule at SNAC

Indoor season gives everyone an opportunity to compete locally, regionally, nationally and internationally and all from the comfort of your home club.  This 2024-2025 indoor season, all 18m events have been registered with Archery Canada and World Archery for national as well as world records and awards.   Also, we run House Leagues and Mail Matches from the beginning of January until the end of March 2025.

Here are the dates and times for our SNAC events:


Pre-registration is compulsory. Space is limited.  Evening lines will be added only if required.

Sunday, December 15, 2024 WA18M 60-arrow round shot at 18m on either a 40cm single or vertical 3-spot face

Sunday, January 12, 2025 WA18M 60-arrow round shot at 18m on either a 40cm single or vertical 3-spot face

Sunday, January 19, 2025 IFAA ON provincial championship

Ontario provincial 10-ring championship week

Sunday, March 02, 2025 National Regional Indoor Championship

Sunday, March 16, 2025 MICA Championship of the Americas Event

Tournament Rate card will be published soon.

Mail matches and House Leagues will run on Saturday mornings from 9am to noon and Monday evenings from 8pm-9pm.  More information to follow.