FULL 2017 AA1-6 Classes for Advanced Adult Session #1


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


South Nation Archery Supply
11667 Holmes Rd., Winchester, ON, Canada, K0C 2K0

Event Type

Thursday classes are more suited to young adults and adults who wish to excel in the sport.  Students must have taken at least 2-3 beginner group sessions and/or private lessons with Kathy in order to benefit from this level of coaching.

We will make sure archers are using the Four Quadrants properly in order to line up the bone-on-bone structure in the upper body.

Psychological constructs and experimentation will be included weekly.

Video-tape analysis will occur every 2-3 weeks.

Students are invited to stay after class to increase volume levels before the 8pm class starts.

Youth 17 years of age and younger Cost:  $60/student + HST

Young adults / adults cost:  $70/student + HST