2024-2025 Instructional Season Information on website

South Nation Archery has published exact dates and times for advanced and beginner group archery lessons on our website.

As usual, there are 3 beginner sessions to choose from, each with 6 lessons .  These start in January 2025.

Please consult the website to choose the age category that works for you.  Then e-mail us to pre-register at:  info@southnationarchery.com.

There are 4 sessions for advanced youth/adult archers who meet the criteria.  There are 5 advanced class starting times to choose from.  Changes this year include increasing the age for participation in these classes and combining youth and adults in each class.

Please consult the website to choose the session that works for you.  Then e-mail us to pre-register at:  info@southnationarchery.com.